Materiality & Sustainable Development Goals

In 2018 we concluded an internal materiality assessment of AWAC/Alumina to determine the most important sustainability risks and opportunities, consolidate risks, identify gaps and validate material topics.

A desktop revision was conducted for the 2019 Sustainability Update and was informed by Alcoa’s materiality assessments of its bauxite and alumina divisions.

We have also conducted a mapping exercise to determine the alignment of the Company’s material topic definitions relevant to any of the seventeen SDGs set by the UN. The alignment based on the associated SDG targets and indicators. Through the analysis that was conducted, the SDGs that are most impactful to Alumina based on its broader material topic definitions were identified and mapped in the following table.

The following topics were determined to be most material to Alumina:

  • Climate change
  • Energy efficiency and GHG emissions
  • Waste (including tailings and residue management)
  • Water stewardship
  • Land management and biodiversity
  • Occupation Health and Safety
  • Local commitment with communities
  • Business integrity

Read our Sustainability Update for more information on our materiality assessment.